Subsistence and Economy

Part 1
1. The benefits of hunting and gathering include division of labor and clearly defined roles due to the fact that they usually hunt and gather on their own or in small groups. The advantages of agriculture are that it allows the developing progression of cities and a way to feed a large amount of people easily.
2. The disadvantages of hunting and gathering is a lack of security and an unreliable source of food. The cost of agriculture pesticides or other chemicals and fertilization alters biology in rivers and lakes and pollutes them. Lesser quality product is usually the result.
3. Hunting and gathering provides a better diet due to the food not having been exposed to chemical such as pesticides.
4. The transition to agriculture as a means of providing food was probably made because it was a much more reliable source because it was an easier process that could be done in a fast way to supply a large population.

Part 2
1. This statement means that in order to trade, we need a product to trade in the first place because otherwise it would be impossible to trade.
2. A social benefit of trade is that through trade people can communicate the availability of their product by word of mouth and can trade not only products but ideas to develop their products.
3. Two negative social results of trade are unreliability from one party to supply a product or to supply an efficient and lack of safety.
4. The relationship of the development of agriculture and the development of trade is that in order to trade, agriculture must be used to supply a large amount of surplus and the reason agriculture is used is for trade of products.


  1. I like how you defined the statement in the last question and how you specified that in order to trade you must have a surplus of things to trade. I also agree with the social benefit in trading is not only items or things, but also ideas. And I think that is how businesses and communities develop overtime.

  2. Overall, points were well covered. Just a few questions:

    How does division of labor benefit hunter-gatherer societies? And can there not be a division labor in agriculture?

    Regarding cost of agriculture and healthier diet, pesticides are a recent invention. Remember that for this assignment we are putting ourselves backward in time to 12,000 years ago when this transition was made. Are there other reasons why hunter-gatherer might be a healthier diet?

    I definitely agree that agriculture produced a more reliable means of feeding larger number of people. Was it necessarily an easier way of life?

    Good final summary.

  3. I enjoyed reading your post and liked how it was short but straight to the point. I agree that hunting and gatherers have a better diet and may not be exposed to pesticides. I think you brought up a good point that transitioning to agriculture was easier because it was a fast way to supply food to a large population. You are right, we cannot trade if we do not have a product to trade. I also agree that most people trade because of the large amounts of surplus of an item they have. overall I enjoyed reading your post.

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