Art as a Culture

a) The cave artists were trying to portray their culture through art because this was the only form of "writing" they had to communicate their stories and lives in order to keep records.
b) I think there were more animals than people in their paintings because they were more interested in their lives involving the hunt for animals, they considered animals and the resources they received from them sacred and they wanted to express themselves as hunters through their art. 
c) The paintings show us that the cave dwellers were observant in their environment, they regarded themselves as very important to the world because of their hunting skills. 
d) One difficulty that these early humans navigated in painting these pictures was the limited amount of light source, having to build numerous portable lamps to create art in the night. Materials for painting had to be created on their own. 
e) Three possible functions this art had for early humans could be the function of instruction, their art explained how to hunt successfully so other generations could learn, and visual art was the easiest way to communicate this. Also, it could simply be for storytelling and records, so that these early humans could leave their mark of existence. Another function could be a function of worship to whatever their belief system was, they could have used art to express their faith. 

2. Commonality functions of Lascaux Caves paintings and modern art is that both artists are determined to express themselves in their strengths, in what they are most familiar with. Art is used to tell stories, to tell a personal opinion, no matter if it is art from today or art from cave times.

a) I chose to explore the art form of beatboxing, beatboxing is tied to to the hip-hop culture of music, included as a key element to help make a foundation of sound for hip-hop music, however, it is not limited to only hip-hop music. For those who practice beatboxing, it's function is to prove the variety of sound and ultimately, music, one can make using their own mouth, tongue, lips, and voice. 
b) The hip-hop culture is very closely linked to this art form, although it does not completely surround this art form. Beatboxing is sometimes considered one of the key "elements" of hip hop because the sounds made by beatboxing are similar to the music that is used to make hip hop music. Beatboxing is used to make drum beats, rhythm, and musical sounds and Hip Hop consists of rapping, a musical beat, dancing, and graffiti art. Through beatboxing, a musical beat is made that can be danced to or rapped over. 
c) This art form benefits soicety because it is another talent that can be self-discovered. Through beatboxing, another form of music is achieved, without any use of an instrument or any other form of technology. I have not found any detrimental affects of beatboxing. 


  1. "they regarded themselves as very important to the world because of their hunting skills."

    This was an interesting statement. Why were they important to the world? Or could it just indicate that the animals were important to them?

    Good remainder of the discussion on the cave art.

    Interesting link to the video on Beatboxing! Great introduction to this artform. Very entertaining.

  2. I did not know anything about beatboxing. Thank-you for introducing it to me. I know that the hip hop music speaks to a lot of people.I also know that hip hop is a sub-culture all of its own.

  3. You have provided great in formation in your post, I enoyed reading it. I knew about beat boxing but never thought about it as a type of art for people. That is a great way of art, let loose aand go with the flow, or in other words, feel free. Your post was nice to read and i think of beat boxing differently now.
