Art as a Culture

a) The cave artists were trying to portray their culture through art because this was the only form of "writing" they had to communicate their stories and lives in order to keep records.
b) I think there were more animals than people in their paintings because they were more interested in their lives involving the hunt for animals, they considered animals and the resources they received from them sacred and they wanted to express themselves as hunters through their art. 
c) The paintings show us that the cave dwellers were observant in their environment, they regarded themselves as very important to the world because of their hunting skills. 
d) One difficulty that these early humans navigated in painting these pictures was the limited amount of light source, having to build numerous portable lamps to create art in the night. Materials for painting had to be created on their own. 
e) Three possible functions this art had for early humans could be the function of instruction, their art explained how to hunt successfully so other generations could learn, and visual art was the easiest way to communicate this. Also, it could simply be for storytelling and records, so that these early humans could leave their mark of existence. Another function could be a function of worship to whatever their belief system was, they could have used art to express their faith. 

2. Commonality functions of Lascaux Caves paintings and modern art is that both artists are determined to express themselves in their strengths, in what they are most familiar with. Art is used to tell stories, to tell a personal opinion, no matter if it is art from today or art from cave times.

a) I chose to explore the art form of beatboxing, beatboxing is tied to to the hip-hop culture of music, included as a key element to help make a foundation of sound for hip-hop music, however, it is not limited to only hip-hop music. For those who practice beatboxing, it's function is to prove the variety of sound and ultimately, music, one can make using their own mouth, tongue, lips, and voice. 
b) The hip-hop culture is very closely linked to this art form, although it does not completely surround this art form. Beatboxing is sometimes considered one of the key "elements" of hip hop because the sounds made by beatboxing are similar to the music that is used to make hip hop music. Beatboxing is used to make drum beats, rhythm, and musical sounds and Hip Hop consists of rapping, a musical beat, dancing, and graffiti art. Through beatboxing, a musical beat is made that can be danced to or rapped over. 
c) This art form benefits soicety because it is another talent that can be self-discovered. Through beatboxing, another form of music is achieved, without any use of an instrument or any other form of technology. I have not found any detrimental affects of beatboxing. 

Politics and Violence

1. The Yanomamo people have no rules against killing people. There is an implication of what proper conduct is and if someone misbehaves, they must fend for themselves and their kin. No laws or rules are formally official with the Yanomamo people, but the Western Culture has plenty of possible consequences for killing people; the government, not the victim's kin, makes sure to punish murderers.

2. In Yanomamo populations, revenge killing is a process that takes place most commonly because of women and is one of the main causes of warfare. When a village member kills a person from another village, the  latter village goes after the former. When a person from a village kills another person within the same village, the village splits into two groups and go after one another. Swift retaliation can enhance fear of the village who retaliated swiftly.

3. The benefits of obtaining the status of unokai is that people will fear you and hesitation for killing you or your kin will greatly increase. Unokai also are more reproductive and have an easier chance to find wives, giving them a desirable social status. Non-unokais barely have a benefit at all, they are perceived as cowards, usually ridiculed or made any easy target. Men would probably prefer to be a unokai in order to have a better social status.

a) Political structure is influenced by revenge killing because the Yanomamo people are basically governed by killing. The "patas", or leaders of the kins, are the only political figures. The killing of men is what causes warfare between villages.
b) Social status and organization is influenced by revenge killing because men are much more feared, respected, and desirable as a mate if they have killed a person, especially through hasty retaliation.
c) Kinship is influenced by revenge killing because it is usually one's kin who assists an individual in revenge killing. Kinship loyalty is measured through the help one receives from their kind when taking revenge.
d) Marriage and Reproduction is influenced by revenge killing because men who have killed a person due to revenge are more desirable as a husband and father. Women prefer men who have killed because they are perceived as strong and courageous, qualities women look for in a provider.

5. We need laws against something that no one should want to do because people still want to regardless if they know they should not. Killing people is a sign of hostility and violence, two things that usually result in chaos and no resolution; regulations need to be made for the people that there is nothing wrong with killing people.

Kinship Chart and Analysis

1. I interviewed my mother, Alma Aguirre, a woman born in Chihuahua, Mexico in the 1950's. Her family was very low-income, almost reaching poverty level in the small town called Parral that she resided in. Because she was the oldest of ten siblings, she lived her life like a second mother to her nine brothers and sisters, helping her mother out in any way she could.

2. As the anthropologist, I did feel a bit awkward because some of the questions seemed to get a little personal for my mother, however, it was not as awkward as it would have been if I had interviewed another family member. It may have affected the thoroughness of my interview only because I tended to avoid subjects that I knew would have been uncomfortable for me to discuss with her. This most definitely would not have been an issue if I was interviewing someone other than a relative because a stranger or even a friend may not care to appear a certain way to me and would have answered more freely.

3. My family members are all close within immediate family members, however, most do not expand to uncles and cousins and so on. For example, in my immediate family, I am very close to my brother and sisters and especially my parents, but I only really speak to one of my cousins out of the sixty-seventy first cousins that I have. When it comes to physical traits, the majority of my family share the traits of average height, light skin (light skin in comparison to other hispanic people from Mexico), big eyes, and straight teeth. These traits are found most common in my mother's side of the family, but my father's family are also average height with light skin and big eyes. These traits are apparent in my siblings: all my sisters are about 5'4, light skinned with nice teeth and big eyes. The younger individuals in my family are treated a lot younger than they are usually because in our culture, the older you are, the more wise you are, meaning that the younger you are, the less you know. This is obviously not a factual perspective, but it's how we measure the amount of respect we give a family member. The smaller the family, the more happy the family seems to be. Most of my parents siblings that have more than three children ended in divorce or are going through a tough time with addictions, depression, etc. Some of my family members were born and raised in Mexico while some completely do not know how to speak Spanish; this sometimes is an issue because it is harder for us to communicate and relate to one another, but all in all, it doesn't affect how much we care for each other.

4. I don't know the relatives on both my mother and father's side really well, but I have met all of them and have spoken to most of them on a personal level. The only family members I don't socialize equally with are the much older family members because they most strongly believe in the idea of the younger you are, the more foolish you are. The fathers of each family have the most influence on decision making because a lot of my family members believe in the traditional view that the men are the head of the household and should decide on anything that may ultimately have a big effect on the family. Family members who marry into the family are usually treated a bit differently at first until they prove themselves.  However, my family is very warm and welcoming and as long as the person proves to have good intentions, they will be treated as if they have always been in our family. Like I said, we are very traditional and many of the women strive to become a good cook and a good mother to their children 100% of the time and the men strive to gain a good career and always keep the family stable. Although I do not have a problem with any other type of way another family may divide responsibilities, with regard to gender roles, I do like the way my family tries to be as traditional as possible. I've learned my family may not all be as close as we wish we could be, but we still understand the importance of family and how we will always be the backbone in each other's lives.

Subsistence and Economy

Part 1
1. The benefits of hunting and gathering include division of labor and clearly defined roles due to the fact that they usually hunt and gather on their own or in small groups. The advantages of agriculture are that it allows the developing progression of cities and a way to feed a large amount of people easily.
2. The disadvantages of hunting and gathering is a lack of security and an unreliable source of food. The cost of agriculture pesticides or other chemicals and fertilization alters biology in rivers and lakes and pollutes them. Lesser quality product is usually the result.
3. Hunting and gathering provides a better diet due to the food not having been exposed to chemical such as pesticides.
4. The transition to agriculture as a means of providing food was probably made because it was a much more reliable source because it was an easier process that could be done in a fast way to supply a large population.

Part 2
1. This statement means that in order to trade, we need a product to trade in the first place because otherwise it would be impossible to trade.
2. A social benefit of trade is that through trade people can communicate the availability of their product by word of mouth and can trade not only products but ideas to develop their products.
3. Two negative social results of trade are unreliability from one party to supply a product or to supply an efficient and lack of safety.
4. The relationship of the development of agriculture and the development of trade is that in order to trade, agriculture must be used to supply a large amount of surplus and the reason agriculture is used is for trade of products.